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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Does Dialogue has power...

To My Friends,
Meeting and engaging in dialogue
  with people for the sake of kosen-rufu—
This is the direct path to
  human revolution.
Let's tear down the walls we have
  built up around around our hearts!

When I first came to know about the Soka Gakkai International(SGI) and the concept of Kosen Rufu, sometime I felt overwhelm. I felt like all these discussions and guidances are not relevant for me. This is not the subject of my concern. Some of you might know, SGI is based on 13th century lay monk Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. These days, our world is changing so quickly and so much is being said about religions. There is no doubt that any one can feel skeptical before listening or accepting such philosophical or religious beliefs. And, I was no different. SGI puts so much emphasize on Dialouges and Youth. And, I have also realized with time that this is true that many worldly affairs if can be solved is through Dialogues only with the efforts of youth and open-heart spirit

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