An intelligent consumer always take time to notice the various symbols on the product.
There are usually two types of symbols on the storage container:
1. safe use information
2. Recycling information
1. safe use information
i. Can the container be used for food storage? Cup and fork symbol
ii. is it microwave safe? squiggly waves symbol
iii. is it dishwasher safe? Dishes with water lines or drops i.e. water lines over the dishes show that intended for only top racks; while water drops over the glasses show that it can be used in both bottom or top rack.
iv. can it be used for strong the food in refrigerator? Snowflake symbol
v. Conventional oven safe: mitten sign
2. Recycling Information:
i. Plastics
ii. Glass
iii. Metals: Aluminum, steel
There are usually two types of symbols on the storage container:
1. safe use information
2. Recycling information
1. safe use information
i. Can the container be used for food storage? Cup and fork symbol
ii. is it microwave safe? squiggly waves symbol
iii. is it dishwasher safe? Dishes with water lines or drops i.e. water lines over the dishes show that intended for only top racks; while water drops over the glasses show that it can be used in both bottom or top rack.
iv. can it be used for strong the food in refrigerator? Snowflake symbol
v. Conventional oven safe: mitten sign
2. Recycling Information:
i. Plastics
ii. Glass
iii. Metals: Aluminum, steel
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