Nowadays shopping is not only about buying the goods and paying the money, and you are done.
There are so many advertising things that often makes you confusing, but a good knowledge of such things can greatly influence our decision.
There are so many advertising things that often makes you confusing, but a good knowledge of such things can greatly influence our decision.
- Organic or Bio: It indicates 95% of the ingredients used are natural or organic.
- Ecocert: 95% of its ingredients are plant-based and at least 10% of all its ingredients by weight are organic.
- Cereal: It is a grass which produces edible grains like maize (Makka in Hindi), wheat, rye, barley(जौ), oats (जई) etc. This grass is grown as the agricultural crop.
- Jawar ka atta: White millet or sorghum
- Eggs: free-range or cage-free; Pasteurized or non-pasteurized
- Milk: Raw or Pasteurized(or UHT i.e. Pasteurized at ultra-high temperature, so even no need to refrigerate.UHT is for long shelf life ).Another thing associated with milk is fat percentage or skim milk. Homogenized or non-homogenized. Homogenized milk does not allow to form a cream layer at the top while boiling. A milk can be pasteurized and non-homogenized, homogenized but not pasteurized as well as pasteurized and homogenized. Pasteurization is followed by Homogenization. Again, homogenization increases the shelf life of the milk.
- cold pressed oils
- Kochbutter Vs vorzugsbutter(i.e. cooked butter vs preferred butter): The fact that cooked butter is inferior to the preferred butter is negated by experts and retailers alike. The only difference is that with cooked butter up to 10 percent foreign cream and/or frozen butter can be processed. Preferred butter is always 100 percent Swiss cream.
- Polished vs Unpolished rice
- Polished vs unpolished lentils
- Olive oil: It is so much in trend these days. Olive oil comes in various quality grades. Lower grade is "Virgin", which can be used for cooking and the highest grade is "Extra virgin" which is used for salads. Olive oil is perishable and has its shelf life of only 2-years after its harvest before opening. Olive oil, which has the label estate production is of higher quality because it should have been grown and milled on the form. There are certain geographical indications like DOP(protected designation of origin). Historically, the wines of France have been classified under the AOC or Appellation d'origine contrôlée system: Appellation of Controlled Origin, a classification created by the French government in the 1950s.In the 1960s, Italy created a similar system, modeled after the French: DOC or Denominazione d'origine controllata, Designation of Controlled Origin. In the 1990s, the European Union created a new, overarching system under the aegis of the Common Market Organization (CMO), designed to offer producers and consumers a uniform labeling protocol: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).
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