I never wanted to be a housewife. Now, I wonder how wrong was my thinking. I used to think that a housewife just cleans and cooks, what is so significant about this. Yes, these jobs may seem very trivial, but have an huge impact on our lives, if understood properly. Currently, we are living in such complex and modern world, and surrounded with so many technical advancements. Microwaves, dishwashers, variety of cleaning supplies usually harmful chemical based, we need to be very vigilant and informed what are we serving on the table, as well as what are we using to clean the house.
Overtime, I have developed this thinking that every individual is a house wife or house husband. It should not dislike a house wife, rather I should appreciate the contribution made by informed individuals towards building a healthy society.I always associated home science with the subject intended for only house wives. As in many schools, it is an elective subject, and gave me the impression that one could do without the knowledge of this subject. But, in todays time, I always google the internet to find the things which are usually the core of Home Science.
What are the core components of Home Science?
1. Food, nutrition and cooking
2. Cleaning
3. Health and hygiene
4. Clothing and Textiles
5. Home furnishing and interior design
7.Home Management and consumer education: Budgeting
Overtime, I have developed this thinking that every individual is a house wife or house husband. It should not dislike a house wife, rather I should appreciate the contribution made by informed individuals towards building a healthy society.I always associated home science with the subject intended for only house wives. As in many schools, it is an elective subject, and gave me the impression that one could do without the knowledge of this subject. But, in todays time, I always google the internet to find the things which are usually the core of Home Science.
What are the core components of Home Science?
1. Food, nutrition and cooking
2. Cleaning
3. Health and hygiene
4. Clothing and Textiles
5. Home furnishing and interior design
7.Home Management and consumer education: Budgeting
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